While some of these posts will cover whatever I'm currently working on, they'll also server to show off some of my existing armies, in the form of a project log.
First up are Witch Hunters/Sisters of Battle. I started this army at the time the first Inquisition codex came out and has been the slowest of slow burn projects. I was originally going to do Deamonhunters but a friend of mine jumped on the Grey Knights (of which, many years later, he has a very nice 4000pt force). I really had no interest in either Grey Knights or Sisters, I just wanted to do Inquisitors, so I switched. It seemed like a fantastic opportunity to
- bring in some of the more esoteric concepts around 40K into the game - all those fluff elements that really sell the 40K background
- use (and therefore to buy) a wide range of minis from various manufactures as count-as 'agents of the Imperium'
To start the army I painted up an Inquisitor, a small warband (which I'll feature later), two units of Inquisitorial Stormtroopers (back when they were a thing) and a couple of Chimera's for their ride. Here are a couple of WIP shots of those Chimeras:
I had three concepts when I started
- I wanted them to have more bling that a traditional Guard Chimera (this was the Inquisition after all). I did a little green stuff casting of some Forgeworld bits using Super Sculpty - a stick and bake putty. Not a super sophisticated technique but with a little practice can yield some decent results. Over the years I've amassed quite a few of these molds
- I needed to get rid of the side lasguns (which always struck me as the most ridiculous part of an otherwise very nice kit). I removed the guns, puttied over the lasgun hatches and replaced them with a few cast eagles
- I wanted a more substantial turret (the original seems a little weedy). I subbed in a Space Marine Predator turret, modifying its autocannon option to be the Chimera's multi-laser. This just makes it feel a little more 'tank like'
The turret is fully magnetized (you’ll find out how much I love magnets!), so you can remove the turret, the gun, the hatch, the power pack (and there's a hard point next to the hatch to add a hunter-killer, spotlight, radar, etc).
In terms of colour I went for the classic Inquisitor colour scheme of red and black. Its a dramatic combination and ties in very well with my Flesh Tearers Space Marine army.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave a comment or contact me at mechanicusrexminiatures@gmail.com.